Monday, January 19, 2009


I understand that when a young adult plans a trip to Europe, everyone tells them to keep a journal. The advice to write it all down is bordering on cliche. The thought, I guess is that you will change so much and have such a fantastic time that you will never want to forget it. So I understand. I've never been to Europe.

I keep wondering why I even bother committing all of this to metaphorical paper. I feel like I'm doing a lot of whining and really, do I even want to remember this time of my life? I tend to write to process and I always had trouble writing about those experiences that were fun, but not terribly thought-provoking. And I always had too many fun things to do on vacations to write a lot. Then, today it hit me. This trip has more life-changing potential than visiting another country, even if you backpack.

Theoretically, I could learn a lot from this experience and become a better doctor. Or I could completely fall apart physically and emotionally and never doctor again. Either way, should be an interesting story to tell. And god knows, I've got enough processing to do.

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