Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Maybe it's the weather. Or lingering anemia. Or laziness. There are a million things that need to get done in order to move in a month. But I can't seem to motivate myself to do them. I write a few emails each day, do my rehab and that's it. I'm proud of myself today because I got up with Nora and got her dressed. She was delighted, until I handed her off for Nana to take her to school. She desperately wanted me to come.
I can't say that I can't. Because I can. But I have a shallow pan of stamina these days and if I take her to school, I might not make it through the rest of the day.
Yesterday, I did my biking and leg lifts, I went to the pool and swam longer than I have since surgery. Then, on our way to K-mart to pick up diapers and other miscellaneae, daycare called. Apparently, Nora was ill. Errands were cut short and we went to go get her. Once we got her home, she was not even remotely sick. But that is another (rage-inducing) story. So, when I had planned on crashing on the couch, I was entertaining a rambunctious toddler. She managed to get 7 time-outs last night. Each of which I mandated, but had to be executed by Nana, due to my inability to pick up the limp, tantrum-obsessed child.
Maybe it's not so surprising that I'm tired this morning. I just wish that things like this didn't set me back so far. I feel like I've been hit by a truck, not a two-year-old. She only weighs 29 pounds. How can she knock me out so effectively?

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