Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Therapy (Post-op week 7 1/2, FYI)

Today, I began work with the physical therapist. I was all proud of my progress and thought that I was doing pretty well until I got there. After all, I've been doing leg lifts of all kinds daily, riding my bike for an hour daily, stretching multiple times/day and swimming 2-3 times/week. Also, I'm walking with one crutch, driving, making dinner...
I expected my quads and hip abductors to be weak. Give them a break, right? They were disconnected not too long ago and forced into 6 weeks of inactivity thereafter.
Likewise, I knew my hip adductors were weak. There was some talk of a nerve stretch injury of the obturator nerve during surgery when I had so much spasm in those muscles post-operatively. It's hard to miss it when you can't get your leg onto or off the bed, in and out of a car, etc. I was expecting that.
The calf weakness knocked me down a peg. Here I am, working my ever-loving ass off (Not really, it's as big as ever.) and my calf has the unmitigated gall to be weak? Well, I never.
As it turns out, I have some mild sensory loss as well. OK, so I actually have many areas of sensory loss. That happens when someone opens up your hip and begins to disconnect all the things that like to be connected. But the one that's important for you neurology geeks out there runs down the back of my thigh and into my calf and the outside of my foot, corresponding with the pain.
So, that freaking piriformis has been spasming hard enough to do more trauma to my sciatic nerve than I thought. Either that or this whole hip dysplasia thing has been a total farce and I just have a sacral nerve impingement. Possible. Unlikely.
So, I have a bunch of exercises and instructions to perform piriformis release and to ice my ass. That's right, ice my ass. Awesome.
At least having a cold butt will be good preparation for moving to Duluth.

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