Saturday, March 28, 2009

Post-op Day #8

This is a big day! According to the surgeon, when I get to POD #8, I can shower. Like, for real, running water, hot as I can make it, not worrying about what gets wet shower. And that's what I did.

It. Felt. Awesome.

Eric also decided that today is the day for other big milestones. I have only been outside once in the last 8 days, and that was traveling from the hospital to home. I've become mighty tired of staring at the inside of my house, but have been scared to venture out.

I'll be frank here. Up until last night, I hadn't even gone down the stairs. With the delicate application of a electric cattle prod and the offer of an ice cream sandwich (false and true, for those of you who are counting my blatant lies), I was coerced into a very nice evening watching tv with my husband. I've been a little shaky on my feet and it is extremely reassuring to tackle some of these hurdles while spotted by someone who could easily pick me up off the floor, dust me off and deposit me back in bed if need be.

I was still a bit nervous when Eric laid it on the line. By "it," I mean "his plan to butter me up with a quick wheelchair ride around the yard, followed by hoisting me into a truck for a nice lunch at Neato Burrito." I am happy to report that the burrito was delicious. And also, we have Siberian irises blooming! It turns out that your worldview narrows a bit when you stop interacting with other people or leaving your house.

We ran a couple of errands after lunch and I learned how to navigate the handicapped stall in the bathroom at the grocery store. By the time we got home, my arms had given out and refused to lift me into the truck even one more time. My quads (which were detached during surgery) have made their displeasure known through a coordinated coup, otherwise known as "a really freakin' big charlie horse."

It all represents baby steps, but they're important ones. Eric says that if I don't feel like this a tthe end of the day, I'm probably not pushing myself hard enough. Let's see if he still says that after I punch him in the thigh, recreating the uprising in my left leg.


jenni said...

Kat, I am glad you are *starting* to feel better. I hope Nora is too. I have missed my morning rock star moment. That kid can give a wicked hug.

Tammy said...

Excellent - you're making progress. Ice cream sandwiches can be very motivating. Hope you and Nora are feeling better.