Sunday, April 12, 2009

POD #23

I am so very tired. It's mostly because of the half marathon I ran today, but also I just couldn't keep myself from training for my Ironman triathalon next month. Even on a day where I ran a half marathon! I know! I'm just so crazy in love with working out!
Or, in this realitoscape, Jenni came over and taught me how to knit. That's right, I was beaten down by laying on the couch and moving my hands to create 2/3 of what will someday be (in the kindest possible reality) a dishcloth. Jenni promised me that the dishes don't mind the lumps and holes.


MJT said...

and a lovely dishcloth it will be.

Anonymous said...

Dude, take it easy! You need to be sure to schedule a recovery day after a long knit. It is a common mistake to overknit and injure yourself. I had to give up knitting because of just such an injury: knitted too hard and too fast and developed severe PIPitis. You are too young and too talented to burn out like that. Pace yourself. And for God's sake, stay away from the 'roids, no matter what Jenni says!